I've been very lucky with the weather over the past few days; having been out to sow more seeds, the skies have obliged with a generous watering. When I've needed courgette flowers, the sun has warmed the plant, the bees have appeared and fruits formed. During a trip to the farm yesterday, we strolled in warm sunshine and I was able to take some Lemon Balm cuttings from their wild growing clumps. Safely back indoors, it rained during the afternoon. Going out to pick sweet peas in the evening (having been told that picking encourages more flowers), I noticed that the nasturtiums were studded with diamonds! Raindrops glittered on the waxy leaves and this water, puddled in the centre of a leaf, twinkled brightly like a large glass drop.
Even better, just as I was turning to go home, a bee buzzed along straight into an open female courgette flower to pollinate it! Not a great photo, but lovely to see the bee doing his work and a magical moment to end the visit on.
Today: if the rain holds off, a bit of weeding and pruning is on the cards for me! Fingers crossed and happy gardening!