I'm noticing conkers lying on the ground, hips ripening in the hedgerows and seed pods forming on perennial sweet peas and orache. This photo was taken this morning; this is my favourite season for orache as the colours of the seed pods really sing out.
I'm about to have another little break from work, a holiday-at-home where I can potter about the veg garden, tidying and mulching and preparing for colder months and, I hope, more regular blogging! Today was the first of those days; I was able to spend some time giving the veg a good watering and noting what needs to be done - quite a lot, as it happens... who says that spring is the busiest time for gardeners?
The Autumn Bliss raspberries are still fruiting well; if I didn't munch them as I went round, I'd have brought home a small punnet but still have a good handful or two for later. These are the canes that I chopped back in February, leaving some of them at 40cm to see if they would fruit earlier (a tip gleaned from the internet). Looking back at photos, I see the first fruits ripened in the third week of June:
:: June ripening Autumn Bliss raspberries :: |
:: Still fruiting third week in September :: |
Three months of raspberries. Result. But who can tell whether this is due to my "experiment" or the bizarre weather we've had this year? Either way, I'm happy.
Elsewhere in the garden, my "Striped Pyjamas" spaghetti squash has stopped sulking and trebled in size, yielding this marrow sized beauty before climbing up and through the plum trees:
I love spaghetti squash - so simple to prepare and so delicious in a squashy-marrowish way. I like them cut in half, microwaved, seasoned and served with lashings of butter over the forked flesh. Unfortunately for me I started a fat free slimming diet last week so I hope they store well - it will give me something to look forward to!
I won't be posting or gardening tomorrow; rather excitingly, I'm starting a part-time garden design course at Capel Manor. I'll be studying horticulture in the mornings and drawing and design after lunch. Combine that with a stroll around the college gardens and I couldn't think of a nicer way to spend my Fridays (rush hour traffic excluded).