12 May 2014

Let's talk flowers, Flower Shows, Pinterest and having a Cinderella complex

Strong winds funnelling between the flats yesterday were buffeting these aquilegias around so I picked a few for a vase and added purple heuchera leaves to the jam jar. There are seed pods on the aquilegias already?

I was late putting in my application for a Chelsea Flower Show press pass (yes, bloggers get to go too, sometimes) and didn't get round to buying tickets this year so it seems that I won't be going now, which I'm really gutted about as I really, really wanted to see Cleve West's garden. I love that he spends time growing veg on his allotment but slips out to 'do' a Chelsea garden every now and then. *hero*

I'd resigned myself to this sorry state of affairs when a glimmer of hope came my way. I received an email from Interflora's marketing department (who assure me that at least some of their flowers are sourced from the UK) with news of a competition.  The prize is a pair of Saturday Chelsea Flower Show tickets for 3 lucky winners. (Please, let it be me!) Five also rans will receive an Interflora bouquet.

The competition is very easy: simply create a Pinterest board called 'My Interflora Garden'.  As I already use Pinterest a little bit (48 boards, 1208 pins, all garden/design related), plus I really need no excuse to go off on an internet search that combines the words 'flowers' and 'garden' - and I would love to get to the show - I was completely up for it (although I didn't tell them that, natch.)

My Interflora Pinterest board was created last night  - see it here, if you're so inclined - and details of the competition are here if you fancy entering.  It's rather fun as you can gather up flowers for the garden of your dreams (and a shed or two), even if you don't get to visit the Chelsea gardens of your dreams.  On the other hand, I really hope that one of my garden fairies is paying attention as (have I mentioned this already?) I really want to go to the ball and my Cinderella complex may be out of control by Saturday 24th.

The deadline for the competiton is midday on Wednesday 14th May - that's this coming Wednesday.  You'll have to be quick but wouldn't it be marvellous if a few of us could meet up at Chelsea!

There's no obligation to blog about it, I just like to spread the word.

Here's a glimpse of my Pinterest entry:


  1. Press pass for bloggers?! I'm going to have to look into that one next year :)

    1. Oops :) I let that one slip out of the bag! Yes, it's how I managed to get into Chelsea last year on press day. Bloggers who publish/post articles about the RHS and their services, or write about gardening issues can apply for press accreditation via the RHS website. Thousands apply, only a few get through but it's worth a go. Obviously, if you write for mags or newspapers, even as a freelancer, you can apply. Maybe see you there next year, Tanya!

  2. I hope you do get to go, it's a little far for me but I do aim to go one year.

    1. Thanks, Joanne. Now I know how you felt about getting a copy of The Cut Flower Patch! Chelsea is a bit of a scrum on public days so press day is an easier visit for viewing gardens. I think everyone should go at least once!

  3. Fingers crossed that you do win a pair of tickets. I'm not really into garden design but do admire Cleve West's work probably because he's a fellow allotmenteer. I've been looking at your Pinterest pictures but will take a closer look at that specific board. Flighty xx

    1. Thanks, Flighty. I'm hoping all this well-wishing will do the trick! I agree that Cleve West's allotmenteering makes him more of a man of the people. I imagine that you've already read is book 'Our Plot'? One of the favourites on my bookshelf. Cx

    2. You're welcome. 'Our Plot' is one of my favourite gardening books on my bookshelf as well. Flighty xx

  4. Good luck Caro - you deserve to go. I'm sad we don't get to meet up at Chelsea this year. However, I am free and a Billy No Mates (aka Cinderella) on Sunday evening in London if you're around...

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Have DM'd you via Twitter, always lovely to see you! Cxx

  5. Your pinterest garden looks wonderful,I hope you win! Sarah x

    1. Ah, thank you, Sarah! If only I could put all these plants into a real garden space! Now that really would be something! Cx

  6. We really ought to take Pinterest more seriously....

    1. I can't believe you guys haven't already got a dozen Pinterest boards for your lovely plants!! It's a great way to keep a visual reminder of plant combos and choices, etc. I can highly recommend it as a way of keeping track of inspirations!

  7. Will keep all fingers crossed for you Caro :)

    1. Ah, thanks Anna. At least I now know to get on with applying next year!

  8. what a wonderful opportunity - i hope you get to the chelsea flower show afterall! your pinterest pics are so pretty and colourful. i can almost feel that branch of pussy willow with its soft little buds.

    1. That was one of my favourite images too! Of course a very large space would be needed for all these plants but I like to imagine a flower cutting garden with a few edibles and lots of bees, birds and butterflies! (And a few edibles!)

  9. I hope you win, Caro! Otherwise (like me) you will have to be content with watching Alan T & Co. on the telly.

    1. Thanks, Mark. I guess I'll be glued to the screen - but it's the Lord of Cord, Monty Don, this year doing the chatting. The good news is that this has freed up Alan T to create a garden for the people which, of course, I hope to see!

  10. All look so beautiful, especially the pink tulip.

    1. Thank you, Endah. There are a lot of very beautiful plants out there which, of course, is what makes it tough for garden designers as choices have to be finalised eventually!

  11. Good luck... my fingers are crossed for you, if only (and very selfishly) so that we all get to read about your visit on the blog!

    1. Ah, thank you! I've heard that my board was one of the winning entries so I will indeed be writing about my day at the show. I've checked on the RHS website and it seems there's a heavy emphasis on allotments this year! So excited now!

  12. Those aquilegias are beautiful, well done for rescuing them! I do hope you get to go to Chelsea. I'm a big fan of Cleve West's too. I've got his book about his allotment and I just love it. Those sheds! It's all very inspirational.

    1. My first aquilegias were a gift from my sister and were only leaves in a pot when I was given them; they've since cross-pollinated and reseeded themselves so I have no idea what I'm going to get! They are very lovely plants though CJ and quite fleeting too. It appears my fairy godmother was listening as I've heard I am going to the ball after all - and with a friend! Yayy! Thanks for your support! Cx

  13. Good luck Caro - I like Cleve West too.

    1. Thanks Sue - I was one of the winners and received my tickets in the post today so I'll be able to tell you all about Cleve's garden. I'm getting excited about it already!

  14. Your entry looks wonderful! Oh I do hope you win, how lovely it would be if Cinders got to go to the ball. Good luck!!! xxx

    1. Thank you Snowbird! You'll soon hear that indeed Cinders IS going to the ball and jolly excited and thrilled I am!

  15. Loving your Interflora Garden Caro - some gorgeous blooms and colours on there. Best of luck with the Chelsea tickets - I'm going on the Saturday, so who knows, we may well get to meet up at long last!?

    1. Hi Jules, thank you - you may have noticed that I've since added one or two other essentials, like the under gardener! Got have some help in my garden! I will DM you on Twitter as I've won a pair of tickets and will be at the show on Saturday now - would be lovely to meet!

  16. Hope you get to go Caro, I too am a Cleve West fan, but am avoiding pinterest as I know it will be addictive. I use evermore to record plants and combinations I find inspiring, which works almost as well, but without that lovely collage view. Oh, the temptation...


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