28 May 2014

(Almost Wordless Wednesday) Chelsea Fringe: A second show of hands

Whilst I'm going through my Chelsea photos (and thinking of something original to say about the day!), I couldn't resist posting these pictures.

The giant glove made of roses caught my eye as being perfect for VP's Shows of Hands project for the Chelsea Fringe*; I especially like the photo with the assistant soaking up the Chelsea atmosphere over a cuppa but ...

…am I alone in thinking the guy in the second photo looks like an actor - perhaps from the Father Ted tv show?  If anyone recognises him, please put me out of my misery!!

* You can contribute to Shows of Hands until June 8th. Read more about it on the Veg Plotting blog.


  1. Well spootted Caro - I'd completely forgotten about the giant glove! :-)

    1. You've returned from the show with plenty of other 'hands' for your project - well done getting Paul Dubois who inpsired the project! It seems to be going very well!

  2. The giant glove is great, how could anyone miss that!

    1. It's the little yellow gloves peeking over their shoulders, like little aliens making a takeover bid, that I thought really amusing!

  3. A big show of hands for this post! I don't recognise the guy in the photo. Flighty xx

    1. Haha! Thank you, Flighty! It may be that he just has one of those faces that make you think you recognise him. He certainly has the looks to be a comedy actor, I think!!

  4. Lovely big hand! I'm having internet problems at the moment and I can't see the second photo. I'll have a look when I've sorted it! CJ xx

  5. No idea who the guy is I'm afraid

  6. Oh a lot of work must have gone in to making that glove! Your mystery man certainly looks like Father Dougal - it's the eyes. Look forward to your Chelsea post Caro :)

  7. Wow....that rose glove is stunning!!! I don't watch Father Ted so can't help on that one 'fraid!
    Looking forward to hearing about your day and seeing the pics!xxx


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