For a week forecast to be cloudy but mild, it's turning out rather splendidly. I've seen bright warm sunshine every day. I was so enjoying the garden yesterday, looking at some of the amazing colour juxtapositions and making the most of a dry and bright day to get some more gardening done, that I ran out of time to post these Almost Wordless Wednesday photos. These are just iphone pics, snapped while wandering in the sunshine but I hope they give a flavour of what I enjoyed. I'm loving this spring weather - the perfect climate for me, not too hot!
So worth going out in the cold to plant bulbs in November - although these are the cheap ones planted three years ago and now coming back for their fourth showing. Bargain! |
Drought border - so dubbed because the hose won't reach that far. Lavender is coming back so strongly next to the Erysimum Bowles' Mauve that it's squeezing out a bronze Carex in between the two. Iris 'Edith Wolford' at the back gets a nice baking heat on its rhizomes, Cerinthe (left of pic) self seeded for which I'm always grateful, Euphorbia behind the Cordyline australis (trunk seen) will be interspersed with grasses when they reshoot and there's a curry plant and Stachys byzantina to echo the silvery leaves of the Erysimum just out of shot. And I found my nemesis, the Rosemary Beetle, sunbathing on the Perovskia (behind the lavender)! |
Nice calm Anemone blanda and Galium odoratum in the shady border. |
Mmmm, zingy! Schiaparelli pink Pineapple sage flowers against euphorbia in the 'washing line' drought border. |
Can anyone shed light on what this is? It's a cuckoo in the nest of my Sambucus nigra pot. Looks quite interesting though! |
And, of course, frothy blossom everywhere! Cherry blossom (left), apple blossom (right) |
How's the week shaping up in your spring garden?