The good news is that none of them had any damage, whether from carrot fly or other beasties. As they were grown in a raised bed, I'm uncertain whether this success (for the second year running) is due to the height of the beds or to companion planting them among onions. Interestingly, I've also read that sage and rosemary make good companions for carrots. Worth a try for next year as both are very pretty herbs.
The main mistake was that I sort of forgot that the soil underneath the raised beds is not that great: quite heavy and given to clumping, if not obviously solid clay in parts. These carrots are Amsterdam, a quick growing carrot that isn't supposed to get this big (but doesn't seem to suffer taste-wise for being allowed to grow on). They've obviously encountered a few obstacles which have led to some very amusing results:
The self-plaiting carrot |
The little walrus carrot |
And my favourite:
Colin Carrott (by small child, aged 4) |
Alas, they are no more. They made a very delicious addition to a chicken and leek pie and a Root Veg Chilli.