Showing posts with label Linaria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linaria. Show all posts

23 Sept 2015

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday:

Aren't caterpillars supposed to have turned into butterflies by now? 

A few in my garden seem not to have realised this - or perhaps they're just too busy eating their way through my Cavolo Nero leaves. 

Any that are on the Linaria/toadflax, as in the photo, are allowed to live on.  I'm secretly hoping that they're busy munching on the seeds that turn into a gazillion plantlets for me to weed out throughout the year. 

Anyone else still spotting caterpillars or other anomalies in the garden?  
I thought my brassicas would be safe by now but perhaps I'm wrong.  
Please feel free to correct me.