And, finally, there was tea ...
It's probably a bit early for all the herbs in this tea to be available in the garden but as many of my friends and family have colds at the moment, it seems timely to revisit this delicious tea.
Some readers may remember this tea ... I initially wrote this as part of a look back at May 2020 in the garden - a time when we needed all the immune support we could get! So, if these plants are not flourishing in your garden yet (take heart, it won't be long), bookmark this post to come back to it. And while the plants are available, pick and dry some of the leaves to store for winter colds.
And if you don't already grow these plants, can I suggest that all of these are well worth growing? Lemon balm is so easy to grow, loves shade and still it tends to self seed vigorously. I now also grow Lemon Verbena - it's a glorious herb, and I keep the lemon balm shorn to a more manageable blob.
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An Australian permaculture channel posted a video for what they call 'Immune-i-Tea' ... a delicious immune boosting drink made from garden herbs. To my delight, I found that I had all of the necessaries in my herb garden.
Just five herbs needed in roughly equal quantities, a small handful of each of yarrow (achillea), calendula flowers, mint, thyme and lemon balm. Put into a large teapot, cover with boiling water and put the lid on. Leave for at least 10 minutes and then pour. It was surprisingly thirst quenching, tasty and uplifting and, I imagine, would also be lovely chilled. I think I may never buy another herbal tea bag.