3 Dec 2011

On the First Days of December

Just popping in to show off what my true love (my garden) sent to me ... a coneflower with open pink petals!  (Tra-la-la, festive spirit in the garden and all that.)

So glad I had a finger-numbing wander round the veg patch yesterday morning. The sun was shining (but it was very cold), it was my day off and I had a couple of tubs of seaweed to drop off in the veg patch, not wanting to take them food shopping with me - and look! ...

December coneflower

As the Christmas rush started in the shops for a large percentage of the so-called civilised world, this little gal had been quietly unfurling her petals.  Cue flutter of excitement from yours truly!  Warm enough to tempt her to keep growing but too cold for this mere mortal's hands so I snapped this photo very quickly. There's quite a bit more still happening in the veg garden but, as I have to be at a workshop in an hour and I'm still in my pyjamas, the rest will have to wait until later today - if I can prise the laptop away from my teenager.

Gosh, looked out of the window at London's very leaden skies just now - quite glad I'm going to be indoors today! Hope it stays good enough to garden for everyone else,

Caro x


  1. You were very brave having a wander round the garden but were rewarded with a lovely little flower - mine are all dead as dodo's. It is much too cold and stormy here still to do anything unless you are attached to a hot water bottle.

  2. That's wonderful! I haven't been to the plot since Wednesday but will stroll, probably rather quickly, round tomorrow on my way to the trading shed. Flighty xx

  3. Elaine, I have a lovely old coat that is akin to going out wearing my duvet so manage to keep toasty warm (except for the hands)! Although, as a big fan of hot water bottles, I rather like your suggestion!

    Flighty, even a quick stroll outdoors lifts the spirits and focuses attention on next year's plot action! I'm already looking forward to spring planting!

    Caro xx

  4. I've got lots of flowers still going in my garden. It's crazy, but very welcome. Also found a strawberry on my allotment, though it hadn't quite ripened enough unfortunately.

  5. Zoe, I couldn't tell from your blog where your garden and allotment is but this milder weather seems to be UK wide. I'm sitting in a pool of sunshine this morning, 5th December! ... and I have a strawberry in the veg garden as well - see my next post! Wonderful to have flowers in December, very uplifting!

  6. What a lovely reward for an unglamorous visit to the plot! I still have dahlias blooming in the back garden...

  7. @Janet/Plantaliscious
    Wow! Dahlias still blooming? It will be interesting to see who's got the last flower of 2011 in weeks to come! I feel quite sorry for these brave, mixed up blossoms - it will all end in tears after the first frosts ...


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