27 May 2011

Berry berry rainy

We're having typical Wimbledon weather in London this week - a few weeks early!

strawberry harvest

Just two days ago, on a warm sunny evening, I was invited to raid my friend's abundant strawberry patch and returned home with the above tray and thoughts of Eton Mess, strawberries and cream, strawberries in basil sugar, strawberries drizzled with balsamic then dipped in crème fraiche ... choices, choices!  I stepped onto the balcony the following day in hot sunshine to prepare the culinary feast.

Yesterday was a somewhat different story: while stepping out over Hampstead Heath, I got caught in ... yes, at last! ... rain showers.  As I whizzed homewards, getting absolutely drenched, I kept repeating "think of the veg, think of the veg".  It made the soaking so much more comforting.

So much exciting watery goodness after weeks of drought prompted thoughts of an immediate post yesterday but I was thwarted as my son has the laptop for his GCSE revision these days. (I'm availing myself during his Chemistry exam.)  Having dried off, I stayed firmly indoors in the afternoon which was just as well because it monsooned non-stop for most of the afternoon:

I watched raindrops gathering on the windows


and as it eased off, I waded out on to the balcony to photograph the coriander:

Raindrops on coriander

Wonderful to have a real drenching for all the veg and flowers but, having put out my beans and sweet corn the night before, I wish it hadn't been quite so blustery!  

See you tomorrow for the Saturday Snap!


  1. Enjoy the strawberries! I'll be lucky to get a handful this year by the look of it.
    Yesterday's rain was much needed and most welcome!
    Have a good weekend! Flighty xx

  2. The strawberries look lovely!!! :0)

    That rain was awful though wasn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't stop coming!

    Have a good weeekend!

    Martin :0)

  3. Oh what a great post.... photos of strawberries AND rain!! Lucky lucky you. I can just taste wonderful strawberry jam thick with enormous strawberries - yummy.

  4. The strawberries look great and some rain at last, hurray!!

  5. Flighty, we have far too many strawberries here because the runners from previous years have been replanted - even the children can't keep up! If only you lived closer ... !

    Martin and Amy, as I don't have an outside tap, I didn't mind the rain and am grateful for the soaking that the soil was given! More please!

    Ronnie, thank you for your lovely comments; I hope we'll all enjoy the fruits of our labours soon!

    Damo, thanks mate - I'm looking forward to seeing some of your prize veg in due course!

    Have a lovely weekend chums! Caro xx

  6. Eton Mess is my FAVOURITE!! If I get any strawberries this year I am definitely going to make that first!!

  7. Strawberries already - most envious. Here they have only just started to blush. Hope that your new plantings were not too roughed up by the elements.

  8. I've had to wait until year two for strawberries Rachel but even if you get one or two, it's a taste of good things to come.

    Your strawberries will be all the more appreciated for the wait Anna!


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