"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
~Theodore Roosevelt
Excuse me while I just chortle gleefully and give thanks for the fantastic weather we've been having. And, yes, I am talking about the rain over the last three days. It was just what we needed to give our newly sown seeds a good start, and - correct if I'm wrong - aren't the clouds supposed to keep the warmth down on earth level and keep the frosty nights at bay? And today's glorious warm sunshine has been the icing on the cake. (Mmmm, caaaake… check back tomorrow for the weekend recipe - cupcakes with a surprise!)
Anyway … last weekend, as I worked in the VegPatch, I decided that it's only just no longer September. We're an Urban VegPatch (cities being warmer than the countryside) and taking global warming into consideration as well, I thought there might just be time to get some more seeds in the ground. ("He that waits upon fortune is never sure of a dinner." Wise words indeed from Benjamin Franklin). So, maybe it was a bit foolhardy, but another five lots of veg have gone into the raised beds and I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed for a slow descent into winter.
So, what d'ya reckon? Could I be channelling Percy Thrower at the moment? (What do you mean, who's he! I'm not that old.)
The view this bright and sunny morning. The parsley is huge after all that rain!
October Overview
Still eating: lettuce and other salad leaves, radish, parsley (and from YRG allotments: butternut squash, tomatoes, sweetcorn, tomatoes).
Almost ready: beetroot, salad onions, green tomatoes
Watching: L's enormous Hallowe'en pumpkin ripen!
Just sown: Kale (Nero di Toscana), winter spinach (Scenic & Viking), Raab (broccoli), garlic, blue radish (Hils Blauer Herbst und Winter).
Still to sow: Green Manure (Phacelia tanacetifolia) for next year's beds. Allegedly improves soil structure and revitalises soil. I've also just dug sand into our heavy soil… we'll see.
On order for November delivery: Fruit trees (apple, pear, Victoria plum, Morello cherry); UK hardy lemon, early and late raspberry canes, blueberry bushes, watercress seeds.
Still to buy: Horticultural fleece for the chilly months ahead and some cloches.
On the lookout for: a nice cheap wooden greenhouse. Anyone got one going spare near London?