9 Oct 2015

Fabulous Friday!

Looks like it's going to be another fabulous autumn day today.  I'm heading up to Capel Manor gardens in Enfield to meet up with gardening friends and we've promised ourselves a plant ident walk after coffee - reliving the good old college days!  

Naturally I'm taking my camera with me and am going in search of plants and shrubs that look good in the garden at this time of year.  Expect a photo heavy post later on today.

And to kick off my personal choice of good lookers in the photo above:  Sanguisorba seen in the Glasshouse Borders at RHS Wisley a couple of weekends ago.  I even love the way it flops (although a little discreet staking is also okay).

You know what I'm like (distracted in gardens) 
so, if you have to wait until tomorrow for my follow-up post, 
have a fabulous Friday!


  1. What a gorgeous grass. I hope you have a wonderful time at Capel Manor gardens, glad the weather is so good for you. I shall look forward to seeing your photos. CJ xx

    1. This Sanguisorba is the taller family member of the plant known as Salad Burnet which I have growing in my herb/salad patch this year. Although I have to say that my plant never had these glorious showy seedheads! Thanks, CJ, I had a wonderful day out and am going through my photos as there was lots to see! xx

  2. Have fun Caro and Happy Weekend!

    1. Thank you, guys! I did and the same to you!

  3. I hope that you've had a good day. Flighty xx

    1. It was a wonderful day out, thank you Flighty. I always enjoy returning to Capel as the journey is fairly quick and there's plenty to see, both familiar and new, once there. xx

  4. Gorgeous pic, looking forward to hearing all about it!xxx

    1. Cheers, Dina! Post will soon follow! xx

  5. I hope you had a beautiful weekend. those plum-coloured grass heads are so unusual!

    1. Thank you and yes I totally agree - sanguisorba is unusual and goes so well with other prairie planting. I was unaware of it until I saw it in a garden designed by Piet Oudolf; since then it's been a firm favourite!

  6. I love sanguisorba, I have a little one at the front of one of my borders called "Rock 'n' Roll" but I am planning to invest in some of the taller ones too, they add great colour and form.

    1. I like the sound of your little Sanguisorba, Janet. I've just looked it up and it would be perfect for my "hot" border. I've got Sanguisorba minor (salad burnet) growing in my herb bed but it's not the same thing at all. More Sanguisorba is needed for next year!!


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