5 Nov 2012

Lovely is as lovely does.

This is what the postman brought me at lunchtime today:

From Sophie

Sophie - she of the prize winning pumpkin - chose to share her Fortnum's hamper of sweets amongst family.  She has 6 cousins and a sister so sharing her success would have made a sizeable dent in the chocolate booty but she also included me. Having an elder sibling has meant learning to share and little Sophie seems to have taken that on board in spades.  How refreshing in this day and age of over-indulged, instantly gratified children.

I love my family all the way to moon and back... and not just for chocolate (obviously).


  1. Awww, isn't that lovely, and she has such beautiful writing too. I love to receive a letter through the post, you just don't get them anymore in this age of email and texts, but to receive chocolates too, wonderful.

    1. Thanks Jo! I'll let Sophie know you think her handwriting is beautiful, she'll be thrilled. I love getting letters too but it's extra special when a child bothers to write. Even though the cost of stamps has rocketed, I still like to write to my Mum and Dad and I get a letter from them every week which I love as I can sit and read at my leisure.

  2. How delightful. I'm sure that her sharing will be well rewarded. Flighty xx

    1. At some point, I imagine it will, Flighty. Although we wouldn't want to promote the notion of giving just to reap bigger rewards! ;) x

  3. What a lovely thought, Sophie did so well winning her competition, what a lovely child to share her success with others.

    1. What can I say, Pauline? I wholeheartedly agree!

  4. Lovely letter from Sophie Caro, thank you for sharing it with us!!
    And I love our big family too!
    Sue xx

  5. Oh how generous of Sophie - I'm sure that her chocolates will taste all the sweeter for sharing.

    1. She's a sweetheart, Anna - and her chocs were delicious! (All gone now.)


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