2 Nov 2011

Small but perfectly formed

Sweet corn cobs

According to the BBC weather last night, there's a bank of mild but wet weather heading across the country so today's sunshine made it a day to be treasured.  Like many people, I'm slightly thrown when the clocks are altered, both Spring and Autumn.  I don't mind the darker evenings so much when we have days like today:  bright, breezy, dry and mild.  Perfect for a walk on the heath, perfect for watching the leaves fluttering down to the pathway (must take a large sack with me next time I go), perfect for getting the laundry done.  And, for the time being, the lighter mornings are very motivational which makes them perfect for a wander round the veg patch before work.

This morning, I was up at 6.30 (still light enough to make me jump out of bed with a determination to get on with the day), had two loads of washing flapping on the lines by 8 a.m, back upstairs for a spot of brekkie whilst making lunches and then down to the veg patch for a wander in the warm sunshine.

This mild autumn weather we're having may have got the plants confused but it's given my sweetcorn cobs the final shove they needed to ripen.  Frankly, after the disastrous start to growing them back in May, and having to start again in June, then a failed 'Three Sisters' experiment leading to replanting in July, I'd abandoned any thoughts of enjoying freshly picked cobs this year.  The plants were left where they were because I like the look of them in the veg patch!  This morning, though, I found that every plant has at least one plump-ish cob, the silks having turned brown and, peeling back the outer layers, golden kernels are to be found within. Yum.

Corn cob
This looks impressive but I have very small hands!

At this rate, I may even risk sowing a row or two of spinach ... !


  1. I just came across your lovely blogs. What great work you're doing, how inspiring! My corn was all chewed to bits by badgers, I can just imagine how great yours taste!

  2. Now I'm envious. I was without corn again this year, I must do better next year as it really does taste so much better when it's home grown. I hope you had a pan of water on the boil while you were taking this photo, the fresher they are when eaten, the better. Enjoy.

  3. How wonderful to fresh sweetcorn at this time of year! Though I am still reeling in shock at your description of your early "up and at 'em" mornings.

  4. Mmm, you did better than me so well done! Flighty xx

  5. Oh sweetcorn envy. Mine were a disaster. Sweetcorn in November now that is strange. I can confirm that a bad of heavy rain is passing over the country. It's passing over me at the moment. I need to go out and pick some leeks. I've been putting it off so far but I might just have to brave it.

  6. Lorna, thank you and welcome! I'm pleased to have found your blog as well and have enjoyed reading back through your posts. And, yes, the corn tasted just great!

    Jo, I've felt a pang every time I've read of successful corn harvests this year, vowing to do it differently next year so this very late harvest is a real bonus!

    Janet, I had to chuckle at your "reeling in shock" comment! I'm not usually that energetic in the mornings but a little spot of sunshine will focus my thoughts nicely!

    Flighty, you win some, you lose some - you've had some lovely veg this year and have inspired us all!

    Wellywoman, not only sweetcorn in November but also new beans forming on plants that were left only for the last few seed pods to dry!! Eeeuw, pulling leeks in the rain? That sounds like muddy work!

    Caro xx


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