8 Jul 2010

Summer in a song:

Having lived in the tropics when I was very young, I'm a big fan of music that sounds like taking the lid off a bottle of sunshine.  As the sun is not shining today in London (despite the BBC weather watch predicting deliciously sunny skies all week), I make no apologies for offering this little slice of happy music: (This is what is sending me out to the VP in a good mood today, ready to inspect any overnight vandalism from the foxes and to consider what to plant after I've lifted my onions and beetroot.)

Wishing you all a happy day - and if we have to have cloudy skies, could we have a bit of rain to go with them? Please?


  1. Not surprised it sent you out in a happy mood - great summer tune. Love your writing and what your doing, I will definitely drop in again:)

  2. Welcome to the blog, FRG! Glad you like it. It's so cool when someone new introduces themselves - it gives me a thrill every time! P.S. your blog is a good read too!


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