7 Mar 2016

Thrilling Times

… or should that be Telegraph?

I don't have an appropriate photo so here's a gratuitous image of
Erysimum 'Bowles' Mauve' about to flower in January

Thanks to the eagle eyes of Anna at Green Tapestry, I was alerted to a rather splendid bit of news yesterday. The Telegraph had published a piece called 'The gardening bloggers you should be following' and, to my amazement, the Urban Veg Patch got a mention!  Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather.

Of course, I was a bit player in a stellar cast - other blogs mentioned may be familiar: Rusty Duck blog written by Jessica, David Marsden aka The Anxious Gardener,  Jono Stevens writing at Real Men Sow and, to show we mere mortals are in excellent company, Tom Stuart-Smith, garden designer of renown.  I didn't know he even had a blog but will definitely be checking that out.  I met him last year and can tell you that he's a truly nice person.  And I mean that in the best possible sense of that rather overused adjective.

So.  I now find myself with new blogs to explore, including that of Compostwoman (what a great name!) and the Kitchen Garden blog of the article's author Francine Raymond.

Many thanks to Francine for her article and to everyone who has ever popped over to read my blog - your support is so much appreciated.  Cheers!


  1. Congratulations Caro, I've always enjoyed reading your blog xx

    1. Thank you, Jo - your blog is a pleasure to read too!

  2. Congratulations I saw it on Jessica's blog too. You both deserve the recognition for your wonderful gardening blogs! Sarah x

    1. Ah, thanks Sarah, that's a lovely thing to say and much appreciated. C x

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sue - I'm not sure that I actually did anything other than indulge my love of writing and passion for gardening!

  4. Caro, that's a brilliant accolade, and very well deserved, I'm so pleased for you. There are a couple of new blogs for me to have a look at as well, I shall enjoy discovering them. I'm feeling a lot of enthusiasm for the garden and the allotment at the moment, and blogs like yours really inspire me. Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into it, and well done on being mentioned in the Telegraph. CJ xx

    1. Thanks, CJ. It's an exciting time of year for us gardeners but, like you, I'm very enthused by the potential to have a really good growing year. I think we inspire each other and I certainly always look forward to reading your very well written blog. Caro x

  5. Fantastic and as with Jessica well deserved. I am certainly aware of all the other blogs mentioned so might now need to follow them -more time needed it seems.

    1. The other blogs look stuffed with useful nuggets of information but I totally get the lack of time - I'm nearly always trying to squeeze in a quick read and often don't have time to comment - unless I put aside an entire morning for it! C x

  6. Well done, you deserve it!

    1. Thank you Pauline, much appreciated!

  7. Well done Caro. How lovely to get a mention for your fabulous blog. Quite right too. Sam x

    1. Thanks, Sam. I have no idea why my blog is singled out from the other brilliant blogs out there (yours included) but am very happy to have been mentioned. The pressure is now on though to write more posts!

  8. It's a well deserved mention. Flighty xx

  9. Gosh, it's marvelous to be around such celebs! Congrats and well done you Mrs!!!!

  10. I do so look forward to one of your posts. Packed full of ideas that send me off with real inspiration. I just wish I had your lovely protected microclimate so I stood half a chance of succeeding! Congratulations Caro, the recognition is well and truly deserved.

  11. I love English blogs (like yours, you deserve the praise!) so thanks for tip off of others to check out - 'compostwoman' truly is a great title!
    I love your purple flower - a wallflower, right?


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